Dear reader,
Welcome, as the title suggests, to the world of the idiots. Namely, the brainless. And, by brainless, just to clarify, we do not mean the type of person who devotes their life to cosmetics. No, we mean the kind of person who is refreshingly different from the norm of, well, normal. The crazy bunch.
So if you are of the devoting kind, instead of devoting yourself to cosmetics, cars, or hippos, devote yourself to this blog and follow us! Also, please note, nice comments please, and if you don't like it, just provide CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, not plain hatred. Or, just don't comment, your choice.
So thanks if you could be bothered to read all that, and we promise it will be more interesting next time, yours randomly,
Pink Jellybean and Orange Jellybean
P.S: To clarify, red writing is a shared post, pink is from Pink Jellybean, and orange is from... you guessed it... Orange Jellybean.